• Artist Release | 'Winter Trees' by Kate Couch

    Artist Release | 'Winter Trees' by Kate Couch

    We're welcoming the month of November with an exquisite new release by the talented, Kate Couch.


    These whimsical trees are part of a continued series by Kate that we simply cannot get enough of! These paintings can stand alone but also work well when paired together. Consider adding these side-by-side above a sofa or stacked on a wall where you want to draw the eye within a space.


    Watercolor paintings of whimsical trees in blues and greens


    The artist states, “The anticipation of long winter months inspired this new collection of trees. Cool colors done in monochromatic palettes create a soothing and cozy vibe. When leaves have fallen and limbs are bare, these trees of life still remain joyful and always expectant of rebirth!"


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